Mihail Dimitrovski having a presentation at Kultip.


June 23, 2014

KulTip was a series of events that takes place in Skopje in the period from May through October 2014. IBORN was one of the participants. KulTip is an innovation event with the aim to assist the cultural institutions in Macedonia with IT and help them improve their use of IT. The event was co-organized by the British Council and the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FINKI).

The goal of the event was to support cultural institutions in the promotion of their collections which would bring them closer to their audience. A particular focus was placed on museums and libraries. The best six teams were invited to have a four-day training on creative entrepreneurship organized and supported by the first Macedonian Accelerator – New Man’s Business Accelerator. 

The final presentations took place in October. Our project ‘Xperience Capsule’ was selected as one of the best ideas.